ZSW, a major European energy research institute, puts the quantity of electric cars traveling at 370,000 since 2014. In the U.S. alone, you will find 290,000 electric cars traveling which is a +69% increase in the year prior. While you will find many approaches to play the development of electric vehicles, a proven way is to require a “picks and shovels” approach and spend money on electric vehicle charging stations. Historically, this theme hasn’t fared well. Founded in 2007, Better Place became a venture-capital backed company that burnt through $850 million wanting to change the world making use of their ubiquitous electric vehicle charging infrastructure. The company eventually went bankrupt and liquidated their assets for only $450,000. ECOtality was another electric vehicle charging company that's backed using a $100 million grant on the U.S. Department of Energy. They went bankrupt in 2013. Perhaps there is absolutely no viable structure for electric vehicle charging compa...