Have you thought about converting your car to run on electricity? A lot of people are doing it. If you are one of them you may have come across some of the many electric car conversion kits being sold on-line by various retail outlets. Before you buy one though, you should know about a much cheaper alternative that is just as reliable. Let me share a few tips with you on the possibilities of converting your car to run on electricity. You mind quickly runs to, I have to be some kind of mechanic or something or I must know something about cars. Think again! You will also be surprised that you won't be spending tons of money either. One focus of the government plans is Plug-in electric hybrid vehicles. As things stand, there are currently not many models available in this category, but the Toyota Prius is moving steadily towards making all newer models compatible with the plug-in technology. The idea is at the moment one that makes sense more for urban drivers, who are more lik...