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Détails du programme WEVCIP

Dans le cadre de son Plan d'action sur le changement climatique, le ministère des Transports de l'Ontario investit jusqu'à 5 millions de dollars pour soutenir la construction d'un réseau de bornes de recharge de véhicules électriques sur les lieux de travail. 

Le Programme d'encouragement à la recharge des véhicules électriques en milieu de travail couvre jusqu'à 80% du coût d'achat et d'installation des bornes de recharge de niveau 2, jusqu'à concurrence de 7 500 $ par espace de recharge. 

 Les applications sont ouvertes maintenant. Le financement est disponible selon le principe du premier arrivé, premier servi. Fait acte! 

Comment FLO peut vous aider à tirer parti de WEVCIP 

 En tant que leader canadien des solutions de recharge intelligente, FLO peut aider les employeurs et les gestionnaires d'immeubles commerciaux à tirer parti de ce programme. Nous avons une vaste expérience de travail avec des entreprises de premier plan comme Alectra Utilities, Bombardier, Bell Canada et Cascades pour intégrer des solutions de recharge à grande échelle. 

 Voici pourquoi FLO est le fournisseur de solutions de recharge pour VE le plus fiable au Canada.     

Nous exploitons plus de 4 500 bornes de recharge à travers le pays.     

Nous fournissons des solutions clés en main et abordables qui peuvent être adaptées à un large éventail d'environnements de stationnement et de types de bâtiments.     

Nous développons et fabriquons tous nos produits et logiciels ici même au Canada.     Nous surveillons à distance toutes les bornes de recharge de notre centre national d'exploitation (basé au Canada) pour assurer la fiabilité et offrir un soutien bilingue 24 heures sur 24 et 7 jours sur 7 aux conducteurs de VÉ.


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An electric vehicle charging station, also known as EV charging station, electric recharging point, charging point, charge point and EVSE (electric vehicle supply equipment), can be an element in an infrastructure that supplies electric energy for your recharging of electric vehicles, including plug-in electric vehicles, including electric cars, neighborhood electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids. As plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and battery electric vehicle ownership are expanding, you will find there's growing requirement for widely distributed publicly accessible charging stations (several of which support faster charging at higher voltages and currents than can be obtained from residential EVSEs). Many charging stations are on-street facilities given by electric utility companies or located at retail stores and operated by many private companies. These charging stations provide one or maybe a range of durable or special connectors that mould to the variety of electric c

Electric vehicle supply equipment

An electric vehicle charging station, also known as EV charging station, electric recharging point, charging point, charge point and EVSE (electric vehicle supply equipment), is undoubtedly an element in an infrastructure that supplies electric energy to the recharging of electric vehicles, for example plug-in electric vehicles, including electric cars, neighborhood electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids. As plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and battery electric vehicle ownership are expanding, there exists a growing requirement for widely distributed publicly accessible charging stations (many of which support faster charging at higher voltages and currents than are offered from residential EVSEs). Many charging stations are on-street facilities offered by electric utility companies or located at retail shopping malls and operated by many private companies. These charging stations provide one or perhaps a range of durable or special connectors that in accordance with the variety o